摘要:Based on the mechanism and propagationcharacteristics of gas explosion, the influencing factors of gas explosionpropagation in coal mines were analyzed, which include methane concentration,methane pressure, initial temperature, inert gas, ignition source, oxygenconcentration, explosion space characteristics, and external environmentconditions. Different factors play different roles in different stages anddifferent states. Gas explosion in coal mines can cause serious destruction;the injury effect on personnel is mainly manifested in three aspects: thekilling effect of shock wave overpressure (impulse) on personnel; the injurycaused by dynamic pressure; the personnel asphyxiation effect caused by toxicand harmful gases. The three kinds of personnel injury effect act individuallyor simultaneously. The shock wave failure can be measured by threecharacteristic parameters: peak overpressure, impulse and duration time. Theshock wave failure criterion includes the overpressure criterion, the impulsecriterion and overpressure-impulse criterion; and the overpressure criterion ismost commonly used. Finally, the reflection tension failure mechanism of shockwave and the failure mechanism of the high-temperature high-pressure gas weresummarized; the failure process of gas explosion in coal mines was obtained.