摘要:Atomic absorption analysis involves measuring the absorption of light by vaporized ground state atoms and relating the absorption to concentration. The incident beam of light is attenuated by atomic vapour absorption according to Beer’s Law. The estimation of trace elements shows a colorful presentation of different metals. It has been seen and found that the levels of zinc, calcium, magnesium, aluminum are lower in Alzheimer’s disease samples in comparison to healthy controls. The elements such as copper, iron, potassium and sodium were found higher than controls. A statistical analysis has been applied and measured regression with correlation coefficients including multiple correlation coefficients between different trace elements like Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe and Al in normal samples. A trend has been found in coefficient of correlation such as rCa.Mg > rNa.K > rCu.Zn > rZu.Al > rCu.Fe > rCu.Al with positive correlation and rFe.Al > rFe.Zn with negative correlation. Coefficient of partial correlation is also calculated and found that a trend has been set up between trace elements and given here as rNaK.Mg > rZnCu.Fe > rNaK.Ca > rCuFe.Zn with positive correlation and rZnFe.Cu > rZnFe.Al > rMgNa.K > rCaNa.K > rMgK.Na > rCaK.Na with negative correlation. Multiple correlation coefficient in normal healthy person has been estimated and found that a trend, which is given here as RZn.FeCu > RFe.CuZn > RZn.FeAl > RK.MgNa > RNa.MgK > RCu.FeZn > RNa.KCa > RK.NaCa > RCa.KNa > RMg.NaK. Multiple correlation coefficient in AD samples has been estimated and found that a trend, which is given here as RFe.CuZn > RZn.FeCu > RCu.FeZn > RNa.KCa > RK.NaCa > RCa.KNa > RNa.MgK > RK.MgNa > RZn.FeAl > RMg.NaK.
关键词:Alzheimer’s DiseaseTrace ElementsFlame Atomic AbsorptionMultiple and Partial Correlation Coefficients and Regression Equations