摘要:Gestational diabetes mellitus is one of the most common medical disorders found in pregnancy. Clinical recognition of GDM is important because timely intervention by dietary measures or insulin and fetal surveillance can reduce the well described associated maternal and fetal complications. This observational study was done in PGIMS, Rohtak over a period of one year. Single step test using 75 gms oral glucose was used as screening and diagnostic test for GDM. Feto-maternal outcome was studied in all the subjects. Prevalence of GDM was 7%. Age ≥ 25 years, obesity, multigravidity and family history of diabetes mellitus were major risk factors for developing GDM. Maternal and fetal outcomes were poor in GDM group as compared to the control group. In GDM group common maternal complications were polyhydroamnios and recurrent vaginal infections. Rate of caesarean section was higher in GDM group. Babies born to GDM mothers had higher incidence of metabolic complications and macrosomia.