摘要:During prolonged exercise, fatty acids are mobilized from triglycerides (TG) and become an important energy source. But excess accumulation of TG in different tissues causes abnormalities in humans. Role of high fat diet in the distribution of TG is well established but the role of mixed dietary fat is not clear. In our study, exercised Swiss Albino mice were subjected to feed high fat diet and mixed fat diet (Saturated Unsaturated fat enriched diet) for the period of four weeks to show the effect on average body weight, liver, adipose tissue and gastrocnemius muscles and the accumulation of their triglycerides (TG) content. This study showed that both diets had little or no effect on average body weight, epididymal adipose tissue weight and liver TG but decreased liver weight. Here another remarkable feature was that high fat diet significantly reduced the accumulation of TG in epididymal adipose tissue in comparison with mixed fat diet. The author demonstrated that mixed fat diet induced accumulation of TG in gastrocnemius skeletal muscles of exercised mice but decreased gastrocnemius skeletal muscles weight. Further research is required to clarify these phenomena.