摘要:Perception is the interpretation of the sensory stimuli received from the environment. Visual, auditory, and tactile senses are collected and interpreted in the “General Interpretation Area” (Wernicke’s area). This area alone plays a much more active role than all other regions of the cortex in the comprehension of the brain called intelligence. We comprehend the events as a whole with the combination of the visual, auditory, and tactile perceptions in the Wernicke’s area; the events remain longer in our memory and its impact on us is stronger. This situation is called multi-sensory perception. Different pressure groups are in an effort to influence the feelings, sensations, systems of thought, and actions of their target population in order to ensure their target population to behave in line with their targets. In this respect, “Perception Management” is defined as all activities that are performed to influence the thoughts of a target population. Modeling, focusing attention on a specific point, creating an expectation, participation, rewarding, punishment, and stress management are among the methods applied in perception management. If we learn these methodological approaches used in perception management, we are in the opinion that it would be easy for individuals to decide independently by preventing them from the influence and manipulation of different pressure groups on their decision-making processes. Today, pressure groups aim at managing the community in line with their targets by influencing single individuals mostly using the perception management method.