摘要:Intellectual capital is a unique resource, categorized in intangible assets, so that not all companies can replicate it. Then the intellectual capital is a key resource for the company to create value added which will further creating a competitive advantage. Intellectual capital can be used as an indicator of the success of the company's financial performance. The company is able to manage and utilize the available resources, to create added value for the company so that the company's financial performance will increase. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of intellectual capital consists of Human Capital, Structural Capital and Customer Capital on the company's financial performance is measured by using the approach of return on assets (ROA). Sample is the banking industry, which is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2008 - 2012 there were 22 companies. Data is the banking industry's financial statements in the period 2008-20012 are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Using multiple regression analysis, intellectual Capital measurement model is using a model Pulic (1998) i.e. Value Added Intellectual Co-efficiency (VAICTM) as well as elements of Human Capital Value Added (VAHU), Customer Value added Capital (VACA), and Structural Capital Value Added (STVA). The results showed, partially (1) Human Capital (HC) effect on the financial performance of +2.085 regression coefficient, that means the higher Human Capital (HC), the better the financial performance. (2) Customer Capital (CC) effect on financial performance of + 3.568 regression coefficient. It means the higher Customer Capital, the better financial performance. (3) Structure Capital (SC) effect on the financial performance of positive regression coefficient 2.064. This means that the higher the Capital Structure, the higher the company's financial performance. Simultaneously measured by the Intellectual Capital Value added efficiency (VAICTM) consists of Human Capital (HC), Customer Capital (CC) and Structure Capital (SC) significant effect on financial performance as measured by return on assets (ROA) of: ROA = 0.089 + 0.112 (HC) + 1.501 (CC) + 0.708 (SC). The Intellectual Capital component Human Capital, Customer Capital and Structural Capital affect the company's financial performance 72.20 %, while the rest is influenced by other factors.
关键词:Intellectual Capital;Value Added Intellectual Co efficiency (VAICTM );Human Capital (HC);Customer Capital (CC);Structure Capital (SC) and Return on Assets (ROA)