摘要:A large scale social safety net (SSN) programs with grants cash or in-kind for targeted people such as children, elderly, and women have been implementing by the government and non-government organization in Bangladesh. Among the other group of people, women are considered more vulnerable due to social and economic point of views, particularly rural and elderly women. To protect them, government has taken some special SSN program like old age allowance, widow and destitute allowance, allowance for lactating poor mothers. Current demographic trend shows that number of women in different age group increases, especially elderly women. This article focuses on whether the currently operated programs by the government are sufficient in terms of benefit and number of qualified women in different age group for the benefit. In view of existing literature and documents, it is found that a small number of qualified women for the benefit are getting government provided benefits. Besides, amount of receiving benefit is also negligible taking into account the living expenses. For social and economic stability, government needs to extend the benefits amount and number of beneficiaries.