摘要:In a pre- conference brief by the Kenya High School Heads Association (KEHHSA, 2016) alluded that twenty three (23) principals die annually in Kenya due to stress related issues. The present study examinedthe relationship between locus of control and stress management among high school Principals in Homa Bay County of Kenya. The study adopted a Convergent Parallel research design within the Mixed Method approach. From a population of 295 principals, the study used stratified random sampling to sample the one hundred and sixty nine (169) high school principals. The Locus of Control Questionnaire and Stress Management Questionnaire were used to collect data. Analysis of Variance was used to collect data. The study further noted that principals with internal locus of control had the highest score (mean=3.37, standard deviation = .289 and a standard error =.052) of stress management and external locus of control had the least level (mean=1.76 standard deviation =.271 and a standard error =.041) of stress management. The ANOVA results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference (p=.05) in stress management scores for locus of control [F (2, 165) =356, p<.05]. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should have a stress management programme for high school Principals.
关键词:Locus of control;Stress management;High school;Principals;Kenya