摘要:In this study, we aimed to research the specific of work-home balance in a collectivity of workers of Romanian nationality. Through the snowball sampling technique, we distributed an English-Romanian back-translated questionnaire. The sample constituted conveniently had 300 participants (M age = 41.55 years, SD = 12.02). The results obtained from the confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fit properties of a bi-factorial model of work-home balance (χ2 (4, 275) = 1.95, p = .74, GFI = 1.00, AGFI = .99, CFI = 1.00, FMIN = .007, RMSEA < .001, Hoelter CN = 1862, p = .01). Further on, through linear regression analysis, we researched the skill in work-home balance and the satisfaction with work-home balance in relation to the characteristics of the organizational setting and to health. The findings revealed that the organizations may protect from high rates of illness and of turnover through the work-home balance of the individuals activating inside of these. We discuss the implications of these results.