摘要:Sluice gate operation is necessary to keep the continuity the design discharge. The mis-operation of sluice gate occurs endanger stucture and destruct the bed irrigation channel. Investigation about sluice gate operation and bed configuration are needed to avoid the destruction of the structure bed irrigation channel. The changes in bed form result from interaction of the flow, fluid and bed material. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of different flow parameter, height of opening gate and types of bed material. Fourty five runs were executed at different discharge started from 1.0 l/s to 5.0 l/s with an increment of 0.5 where each discharge has five different opening gate to get all characteristics of bed configuration. The material used in the experiments were sandy loam. The experimental were conducted in an acrylic side flume with recirculating water at Applied Hydraulics Laboratory in Water Resources Engineering Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia. The result of investigation showed that the bed configuration of sandy loam is ripple for most of the condition. At the same opening gate and various discharge the configuration is start by plane bed (no motion) and ripplee. Meanwhile, for the same discharge at the various opening gate occurs the ripple bed configuration. The various velocity that occur during the runing process cause the changing of bed configuration. For the greater discharge at the same opening gate occur the highest velocity. This condition cause the grain sediment material of the bed channel lift up and start to moving. This result is suitable with equation approaches from the van Rijn, Simon Richardson and Garde Albertson.