摘要:Abstract. We present data collected in the framework of the Algerian BAsin CirculationUnmanned Survey (ABACUS) project. The main objective of ABACUS is the monitoring ofthe basin circulation and of the surface and intermediate water masses'physical and biological properties in a key region of the Mediterranean Seacirculation. Data presented here have been collected through deep glidercruises in the Western Mediterranean Sea during the autumns of 2014, 2015 and2016; activities at sea are expected to be repeated during the coming years,so that the dataset will be extended. Glider missions were conducted in theAlgerian Basin, between the island of Mallorca and the Algerian coast. Acrossthe three glider missions, eight repeated transects were completed whichenabled us to investigate the basin-scale circulation and the presence ofmesoscale structures, utilising both the adaptive sampling capabilities of thegliders and the higher resolution of the data. After collection, all data passed a quality control procedure and were thenmade available through an unrestricted repository host by the SOCIB DataCentre at https://doi.org/10.25704/b200-3vf5. The actual dataset spans three autumnseasons, providing an important contribution to the data collection in thechronically undersampled Algerian Basin. Temperature and salinity data collected in the first 975m of the watercolumn allowed us to identify the main water masses and describe theircharacteristics, improving the understanding of the dynamics of the region. Onthe timescale of the project, data show a large variability in the surfacelayer and reduced variability in the intermediate and deep layers. Our measurements have been successfully compared to data previouslycollected in the area from 1909 to 2011. Results showed similar overalldistribution, ranges and variability to the historical data, with nooutliers in the surface or deep layers.