摘要:A set of 17 Turkish rice (0ryza sativa L.) va- rieties (TRVS) were characterized using inter si1n- ple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers to study genet- ic diversity. Also, tl1e sequences of t;~;1L(”AA)-F‘G*W intergenic spacer (IGS) regions were used to evalu- ate the phylogenetic relationships of TRVs. Ac- cording to ISSR data, the observed number of al- leles (Na), effective number of alleles (Ne), Nei’s gene diversity (h), Shannon’s information index (I), and overall polymorphism were found as 1.62, 1.38, 0.22, 0.32, and 61.7%, respectively. The ge- netic distance values were identified between l.732and 4.583, and replicon size varied from 200 bp to 1600 bp. The ISSR-UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) si1ni1an'ty tree and PCA (principal component analysis) exhib- ited different cluster topologies based on pedigree. All trnL-F regions were found as 306 bp in length, and GC content was found between 34.31% and 34.97%. The nucleotide diversities were found as 11:: 000954 and 0: 0.03595, while Tajima’s D was found as -0.382. The phylogenetic analyses re- vealed that tmL-F sequences are effective molecu- lar tools in resolving phylogenetic relationships. Consequently, our findings could be useful in plan- ning future Turkish Iice breeding strategies for general rice germplasin improvement.