摘要:Wakafandzakatare the two most essential tools for assisting the poor and needy Muslims to have access to better living conditions. However, in the provision of affordable housing, efforts by thewakafandzakatauthorities are often hampered by constraints such as in the availability of funding and expertise. The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model of collaborative procurement to empowerwakafandzakatin the provision of affordable housing for the poor and needy. It is contended that through collaborative procurementwakafandzakatauthorities would have better access to resources especially funding and technical expertise. The paper, an outcome of robust desk research and discussions with experts, describes the concepts ofwakaf,andzakatand their efforts to help the poor and needy including in the provision of affordable housing and collaborative procurement. Besides, a collaborative procurement model comprising ofwakafandzakatauthorities and private property developer has been developed and herein proposed. The paper highlights issues and constraints, including those related to the Shariah. The research outcome, concerning the proposed collaborative procurement model, contributes significantly towards empoweringwakafandzakatin the provision of affordable housing for the poor and needy.