摘要:Eurocod PN-EN 1990 „The basis for structural design” includes general principles for the differentiation of reliability taking into account the consequences of failure. Constructions are classified into three reliability classes RC1 to RC3, for which target reliability indicators have been defined. For the RC2 reliability class the basic values of partial coefficients in relation to materials and loads for persistent and transient computational situations were given. However, Eurocod PN-EN 1992-1-1, „Design concrete structures”, proposes to reduce partial coefficients by including quality control of production and available information on the heterogeneity of the materials used. The evaluation of standard recommendations regarding material partial coefficients was made on the basis of analysis of the reinforced concrete bending beam. The standard recommendations provide different levels of reliability. Elements designed in accordance with EN 1992-1-1 to reduce the value of partial factors with tighter quality control and reliability of reinforced concrete elements at RC2 reliability level may not be sufficient for load factors more than 0. 4.