Introduction: The California Psychological Inventory was developed for assessing personality characteristics of a normal population. This instrument has been standardized in different count- ries and has been used to assess academic success, managerial skills, creativity, maladjust-ment, antisocial behavior, and vulnerability to situational stress. The aim of this study was to standardize this questionnaire for the Iranian population.
Method: This study was of standardization type. After translation into Farsi and back trans-lation, the final form was prepared and administered to 1008 subjects (911 males, 97 females) who were selected via random stratified sampling procedure from the sites of a government department in nine provinces. The mean age of the subjects was 40.7 (S.D. 7.7) Cronbach’s alpha procedure and test-retest method was used to assess the reliability, and factor analysis was utilized to determine the validity of the questionnaire.
Results: The alpha coefficients for the questionnaire ranged from 0.30 for the F/M scale to 0.83 for the V3 scale with a median of 0.60. The overall alpha coefficient for the whole ques-tionnaire was 0.95. The Pearson correlation coefficient for the test-retest on 50 subjects after two weeks ranged from 0.47 for communality to 0.85 for independence scales. The factor analysis revealed three factors which were named Control, Extroversion, and Flexibility.
Conclusion: The Persian version of the California Psychological Inventory has acceptable reli- ability and validity for the Iranian sample.