期刊名称:International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics
摘要:Groundwater is considered as an important source of water supply in our world. Its contamination is ofparticular concern as it is a vital source of water for irrigation, drinking and industrial activities. To control andmanage groundwater contamination DRASTIC model is a popular approach. This study applied an integratedDRASTIC model using Geographic Information Science (GIS) tool to evaluate groundwater vulnerability ofKermanshah plain, Iran considering water table fluctuation. High fluctuation of water table depth due to wetand dry season in arid and semi-arid areas is notable. The study area is affected by this problem, thus thisresearch investigated the effect of minimum depth water during one year respect to average water depth whichis common for this model. Results represent considerable differences for two types of produced maps; mapusing mean of water table for 5 year and map of minimum water table of one year. Vulnerability maps of meandata classified 40% of the study area as no risk of pollution while this is around 25% for vulnerability maps ofminimum depth. In spite, minimum depth vulnerability maps classified around 12% of the study area asmoderate risk which is 6% greater than mean depth vulnerability maps. In case of accuracy, results show morecorrelation between Nitrate data (NO3−) and vulnerability maps of minimum water table.
关键词:Groundwater; GIS; Water Depth; DRASTIC model; Vulnerability