摘要:AbstractWe study networked control systems (NCSs) where the controller is given by a state-feedback law and the plant is modeled by a dynamical system evolving on two time-scales, representing a characterization by some slow and fast dynamics. When using the stability analysis frameworks for NCSs from the literature, this time-scale separation is ignored and, as a result, the slow dynamics are in general updated at the same rate as the fast dynamics, leading to many redundant transmissions of the slow dynamics. Therefore, we assume in this paper that the slow dynamics and fast dynamics can be transmitted separately over the network, allowing us to use techniques inspired by singular perturbation methods in the stability analysis. That is, we show by means of a Lyapunov-based proof how to obtain conditions on the transmission rates (expressed in maximal allowable transmission intervals (MATIs)) for the slow and fast dynamics separately such that stability of the NCS is guaranteed, based only on approximated models of the slow and the fast dynamics.
关键词:KeywordsNetworked control systemssingular perturbed systemshybrid dynamical systems