摘要:Construction waste is the most important source for reducing raw material resources. In this regard, many countries conduct large-scale research in developing progressive construction waste utilization technologies and creating highly efficient production equipment. Current experience in this field views the construction waste processing system as a number of interconnected subsystems: organizational and technical preparatory measures; waste collection and sorting; waste containerization, packaging and transportation; waste processing and manufacturing of recyclable resources. Each sub-system consists of a set of measures which characterize the change in material quality and properties. Modeling of the construction waste processing system addresses the task of assessing the actual level of the system and subsystems and determining the condition of the same within certain forecasted time perspectives. For this purpose, the cost vs. revenue comparison tools are used. To develop the construction waste processing system and maintain it in working condition it is important that, early on in the project, a waste classification catalogue and a relevant glossary of terms be compiled with all waste processing contractors having to agree to it and observe it. Also, a data bank containing all the relevant engineering and process documentation shall be drafted and maintained