标题:The Effect of Board of Directors Characteristics on Firm’s Financial Performance: An Empirical Study on the Most Active Firms in the Egyptian Stock Exchange
摘要:This paper seeks examining the effect of Board of Directors Characteristics on firm’s financial performance in Egypt, using a sample of 50 more active Egyp-tian companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange of the non-financial sector covering the period of three financial years from 2012 to 2017. Board of Directors Structure is represented by CEO Duality, Board Size, Board Meet-ings, Independence board members and Gender Diversity. Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Tobin’s Q is used as a proxy for Firm fi-nancial Performance. In this research, correlation and regression analysis are used to examine the relationship between Corporate Governance and firm’s fi-nancial performance.
关键词:Corporate GovernanceBoard of DirectorsFirm Financial PerformanceEgypt