摘要:The article considers issues of assessment of the relation between road accidents severity and psychoemotional state of Russian society. In the context of the hypothesis about the significant impact of people’s awareness of the value of life on their ordinary behavior, four subtasks were solved. Firstly, the difference in road accidents severity between all road accidents and road accidents that happened in alcohol intoxication state was established. Secondly, indicators of the psychoemotional state of people from different Russian regions were identified. Thirdly, dependencies «Road accidents severity = f(Psychoemotional state of people from Russian region)» for two cases - «All road accidents» and «Road accidents that happened in alcohol intoxication state» were defined. Finally, it was found that degree of impact of alcohol intoxication on road accidents severity depends on the psychoemotional state of people from different Russian regions. Produced results can be used in the development of regional programs of road safety management taking into account features of the psychoemotional background in different subjects of Russia.