摘要:AbstractMastering the bioprocesses has an important impact on the industrial scale and leads to immediate social benefits on a local economy scale as well as stability on the global economy scale by the implicit answer it provides to the basic needs. The control engineering community can contribute to advance the technology in the related fields by means of a systematic model-based design. The foundation of such an approach is the modelling of the dynamical behaviour of biological processes and the competitiveness between species seen as dynamical behaviours. The present paper aims to recall a series of classifications and basic notions on these topics, the ultimate goal being twofold. On one side, it will be show that the control community is ready to step into the scene given the maturity of the existing models. On the other side, the optimization and control design have to deal with uncovered qualitative notions as the extinguish phenomena, scaling (extrapolation) of bioprocess operating regimes but also with the implementation challenges coming from the discretization issues, the asynchronous or event triggered functioning and the distributed control configurations.