摘要:Liquid heat-insulation based on hollow microspheres and polymer compounds become more and more popular in the construction industry. This material enjoys indisputable technological advantages easiness of application, low mass, flexibility, good adhesion to different materials. Traditional non-organic heat insulating materials, widely presented on modern construction market, have some disadvantages. Foam concrete and gas silicate have relatively high average density, which enables obtaining items and materials with a fairly low thermal conductivity coefficient. These materials have high saturation coefficient and low values of cold endurance. Inside the mineral-wool plates, which are quite popular on the modern market, the hyperfine fibers transform into dust particles by time, and agglutinative compounds destruct, releasing toxic substances. The aluminosilicate microspheres have a high potential as a commercial product, but their market has just started forming. According to rough calculations, the cost of the product is next lower order to the hollow microspheres, obtained by industrial methods.