摘要:Padang city has a variety of regions including coastal. The city of Padang is very vulnerable to coastal disaster (Coastal Hazard). In response to these statements, it is necessary to optimize the Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) for contingencies against coastal hazard referring to the four major components of MHEWS according to UNISDR. Hotels are kind of many public buildings that may be used as shelters. The purpose of this study is to assess the hotel contingencies in Padang city against coastal hazard. To achieve the goal, some near the beach hotels have been selected as the object of research. The selected hotels are five of four-star hotels, one of one-star hotel, and three for two-star hotels. The research results are processed by qualitative and quantitative analytic methods. The assessment then concludes that contingency afford is effected by the level hotel star. The important things that need to be planned for the hotel contingency against the coastal hazard are the evacuation route map and the signs of evacuation direction in the easy place to find.