摘要:There were 21 submissions to the essay competition this year, a rather significant decrease from the 34 submissions forthe 2015 competition and the 40 submissions for the 2014 competition. Of these, 8 were submitted to the juniorcategory, while the remaining 13 were submitted to the senior category. In the junior category, four submissions camefrom women; four were from men. In the senior category seven submissions were from men; six were from women.There were two submissions in French (both submitted to the senior category), a slight decrease from the threefrancophone submissions from 2015; continued efforts to increase francophone participation would be welcome.Students from only 9 universities submitted essays according to the following breakdown (a sharp decrease from the 15universities represented in 2015): U.Toronto (7); Carleton (3); Dalhousie (2); U.Alberta (2); U.Manitoba (2); U.Ottawa(2); Brock (1); McGill (1); Winnipeg (1). Additional encouragement of students in undergraduate survey courses wouldbe beneficial – particularly from instructors of courses at the second and third-year levels.