摘要:Applications are invited for a probationary (tenure-track) position atthe rank of Assistant Professor to begin July 1, 2014. Preference willbe given to candidates with a demonstrated research interest in Latinliterature. The successful applicant will participate in a departmentoffering a full range of courses and programs in classical civilizationand languages at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.Competitive applicants will demonstrate a strong commitment toresearch, teaching, and service, as well as a solid background inGreek and Latin philology. Applicants should have the Ph.D. or be inthe final stages of its completion. All applications should bepostmarked no later than the closing date, November 1, 2013. Acurriculum vitae, letters from three referees (or a dossier from auniversity placement office), university transcripts, evidence ofachievement in teaching, and a sample of scholarly writing should besent to Professor Christopher Brown, Chair, Department of ClassicalStudies, The University of Western Ontario, Lawson Hall 325B,London, Ontario, N6A 5B8. Please ensure that the applicationform available here is completed and included in your applicationsubmission.