摘要:This study was conducted to assess yield, yield components and chemical composition of springsown grasspea genotypes through GT biplot analysis. For this purpose, 31 different grasspea genotypes were grown for two years (2014 and 2015) in randomized blocks design with 3 replications. Plants were harvested at flowering period, yields were determined and chemical analyses were performed. Present findings revealed positive correlations between ADF and NDF, among DMD, DMI and RFV values and among crude protein yield, green herbage yield, dry matter yield, number of side branches and natural plant height. While making selections for yield parameters, plant height, number of branches and stem diameter should be taken into consideration. Since grasspea genotypes had different responses to climate changes, plants should be tested at different climate and soil conditions. The genotypes 563, Hat 15, Hat 6, Hat 12, IFLS 491 and 481 were found to be prominent with their crude protein yields, green and dry herbage yields.