摘要:The organizational and economic mechanism includes the organizational and economic blocks. The article considers the elements of the organizational component of the investment development mechanism the size of the organization, the organizational and legal form and the specialization of the organization, which influence the investment development of the industry. The research was carried out on the basis of the official accounting statements of organizations of the Russian Federation for 2016 of the database of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation using the software of the consulting financial and analytical company Akon. Groups of agricultural organizations were identified by type of activity. It is concluded that small forms of enterprises prevail in the sectors of dairy and beef cattle breeding, and potato farming that determines their lower profitability and limits the possibilities for investing at their own funds. In specialized large and medium-sized organizations (production of grain and oilseeds, and sugar beet production) the efficiency of production is higher against the mixed production. The predominantly joint-stock form of management among large and medium-sized agricultural organizations expands the possibilities of investment activity.