摘要:AbstractThis paper focuses on the development of a method for damage detection and localization in pipeline structures. These structures are subject to variation of environmental and operational conditions (EOCs) which have an impact on the collected signals. Since damage detection is generally based on comparison between the reference signals and the current signals acquired from the structure, the effects of EOCs will give rise to false alarm. This issue is addressed by selecting from the database of reference signals those with similar or very close EOCs. Such an operation can be performed by calculating a sparse estimation of the current signal. The estimation error is used as an indication of the presence of damage. Actually, a damage signal will be characterized by a high estimation error compared to that of a healthy signal. The position of the detected damage is obtained by calculating the estimation error on a sliding window over the damaged signal. This method was tested on signals collected on a small scale pipeline placed in laboratory conditions. Results have shown that the created damage was successfully detected and localized.
关键词:KeywordsSparse estimationdamage detectionlocalizationstructural health monitoringenvironmentaloperational conditions