摘要:Restoring intellectual life, the unity that the forces of modern life are threatening to destroy constitutes one of the most significant task to which thoughtful men and women are addressing themselves today.” In the modern world of research the cooperation of scholars and scientist from various branches of knowledge in the term attack upon problems of great complexity is one of the most distinctive and important features. The research process itself is as old as the history of man, and though the incessant striving for system in the solution of problem has evolved the scientific method as it is understood today, the recent introduction of team research represents organization for the purpose of reducing the uncertainty of outcome and minimizing the possibility of failure. Research continually growing awareness of the complex interrelationship within the world of knowledge and the interdependence of phenomena stands as tacit admission of the essential unity of the research process. Because the librarianship itself is concerned with all human knowledge, the use of interdisciplinary ream research for attack upon library problems is especially important and promising. Present chapter represents the historical and future perspective, professional associations and agencies engaged in Library science research as well as research methods which being used in Library and information science.
关键词:Research in Librarianship; Research in Information Science; Methodology in Library and Information Science