摘要:AbstractIn this work, a new algorithm is developed to identify stochastic faults in the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process, which integrates Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Cumulative Sum (CUSUM), and half-normal probability plot to detect three particular faults that could not be properly detected with previously reported techniques. This algorithm includes three steps: measurements pre-filtering, sensitivity analysis, and fault detection. Measured variables are first decomposed into different scales using the EEMD-based PCA for extracting fault signatures, from which a subset of variables that are sensitive to faults are selected with the half-normal probability plot. Based on the specific variables, CUSUM-based statistics are further used for improved fault detection. The algorithm can successfully identify three particular faults in the TE process with small time delay.
关键词:KeywordsProcess monitoringcontrolprocess data analyticsstochastic faultssensitivity analysis