摘要:Transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding of Ni3Al-based superalloy IC10 was carried out using the interlayer based on the base metal which added B and Hf as the melting point depressant elements. The effect of bonding temperature (1250 – 1270 °C) on the microstructure evolution of bonding joints were investigated. Microstructure of bonding joint composed of isothermally solidification zone (ISZ) formed γ’ phase and athermally solidified zone (ASZ) which consists of newly formed γ+γ’ reticular eutectic among with borides and carbides. Boride precipitates are not formed in diffusion affected zone (DAZ) and the boundary between ASZ and ISZ become not obvious. Isothermally solidification rate decreases as the increase of the bonding temperature.