摘要:This work, fluid flow and heat transfer in single and multi phase flow chould be enhanced by turbulent flow in heat exchanger tube with one of heat transfer augmentation techniques. Characteristic of globular tube fitted with the multiple conical strips insert were investigated. Most of study are related with this work, they found that an addition by single conical strips insert will make nusselt number increase 5%. Unfortunately, it was also increase pressure drop about 10%. This work improve their work by adding amount of conical strips inserts.The modification that will become 4 variation number of conical (n = 2, 3, 4, and 5) with 4 kind of central angle (α = 20°, 30°, 40°, and 50°), it is shown that the best performance of conical strips insert configuration is 2 peace of strips with 20° central angle. This work successfull improve Performance heat transfer value in tube about 11% compare with A. Fan et al work. Thus achieve a high overall heat trasnfer performence and it is a promising tube insert which would be widely used in heat transfer process turbulent flow.