摘要:The automotive industry’s supply chain has been extensively researched but has tended to focus on the component production sections of the chain. Indeed, the automotive industry needs a structured model that encompasses the entire fragmented, uncertain and complicated industry. For this reason, the SCOR®model was chosen in this study because it contains well-defined and standardized processes and metrics for performance measurement and comparative analysis of the entire supply chain and not only internal processes. In this context, the objective of this paper is to concretize the application of the SCOR®model in an automotive company by following the steps and guidelines described by the supply chain council that designed this model. Then, several contributions and benefits of the application of this model in the automotive sector will be raised based on this case study and especially on the interviews conducted with the various practitioners and specialists in the supply chain. On the other hand, a list of limitations and difficulties encountered during and after the implementation of this standard will also be collected. Although this study is primarily oriented towards a university audience, it can also be interesting and useful for practitioners, who will be able to gain an understanding of the purpose of the existing research and to have access to a real-life example of the application of this model in the automotive sector.