摘要:Oil Palm agroindustry is growing rapidly in Southeast Asia especially Indonesia and Malaysia. Based on GAPKI data, Indonesia's CPO production 2017 is 38.17 million tons and PKO of 3.05 million tons. Production activities in palm oil agro-industry in addition to producing PKO and CPOl produce solid waste from the plantation and palm oil mill, Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) from the palm oil mill. The biomass waste of oil palm agro-industry comes from activities in plantations in the form of midrib, leaves and palm tree trunks. While from the palm oil mill produced solid waste in the form of palm kernel shells (PKS), mesocarp fibers (MF) and empty fruit bunches (EFB). The waste is classified as biomass residue that can be utilized so that it has added value. Biomass potential in Indonesia can be estimated from the productivity of oil palm. The volume of biomass is 5,5-8%, empty bunches 20-23%, palm fronds 13.5-15%, 15% palm fiber from 1 ton of fresh fruit bunches. The total potential of oil palm solid waste biomass in Indonesia 2017 is 20.07 million tons and POME is 23.7 million tons. The largest distribution of biomass is in Riau, North Sumatra, South Sumatra province.