摘要:In this study, a special method is proposed for detecting aerosols over land by analyzing satellitemeasured far IR radiation at three channels, 8.7, 11.5, and 12.5µm. Sensitivity tests revealed that the behavioral features of radiative brightness temperatures (BTs) at these three channels with increasing optical depth are different among different types of aerosols. Analyzing how BTs and their differences, xBT (BT11.5-BT12.5) and yBT (BT8.7-BT11.5), behave with varying optical depth can help to qualitatively distinguish among aerosols and semi-quantitatively estimate their optical thicknesses. In addition, the authors found that the vertical density profile of aerosols has little impact on this method.
关键词:aerosol remote-sensing; over-land; IR radiation; brightness temperature; satellite