摘要:Irrigation water shortages have the potential to limit agricultural development otherwise arable land. To resolve such irrigation water shortages, accurate evaluations focusing on the assessment of the irrigation system’s physical condition, the functionality of the infrastructure components, and the irrigation efficiency are all needed. The assessments of physical condition and functionality are metrics used to establish the performance index value of the irrigation system. The performance index value can be used to identify sections that need maintenance and to define the level of damage that has impacted the irrigation network infrastructure. The irrigation network’s overall performance is analyzed based on the weight of each criterion as defined in the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.32 Year 2007. This research location is Tlatak Irrigation Area, in the District of Parang, Magetan Regency. The results of the analysis showed that the efficiency of irrigation was 74.24%, and the irrigation system performance was only 61.11%. These numbers indicate that the Tlatak irrigation network is categorized as ‘Requiring Attention.' Efforts should be made to resolve the irrigation issues by conducting periodic maintenance, constructing one or more deep wells, and enhancing the role of the Water User Farmers’ Association.