摘要:Surakarta as a tourism city has launched green transportation as a program in the government policy. Bikes as a supporting mode of green transportation has not gotten much attention from users, including tourism sites. Therefore, the aim of this study is to obtain the factors which influence the use of tourism bikes in Surakarta in the form of rental bikes. The location of the study was at several shopping tourism sites in Surakarta, namely Pasar Gede, Pusat Grosir Solo, Beteng Trade Center, and Pasar Klewer. The data was collected using a questionnaire with an interview method to the respondents of the visitors of the shopping sites and analyzed with the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) method. The result of the research showed that the weather condition, air pollution, bike track topography, and distance were the main factors which influenced people to use rental bikes in tourism sites of Surakarta.