期刊名称:Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
摘要:AbstractGurugram city (Haryana state) has witnessed unprecedented urban growth over the past two decades, owing to the escalation in population, immigration and unorganized expansion. Present study examines the spatial determinants and different features of urban growth till 2011 in the Gurugram city and based on the growth rates and probable demands, land use pattern changes for 2031, 2041 and 2051 have been projected. Using photogrammetric analysis, orthoimage of Gurugram city was prepared and through visual image interpretation land use map of Gurugram city was generated. The population escalation was calculated using population estimation method and land use pattern of Gurugram city was predicted for 2031, 2041 and 2051. Based on the land cover and land use pattern changes, strategies for managing the water resource and solid waste management have been proposed. Probable future changes in land cover patterns, urban growth and land use patterns are very useful for urban planning and managing the natural resources. The results of the study could help in understanding the urban growth processes and their patterns, and facilitate urban planners and policy makers to deal with rapid urban agglomeration processes and associated problems.
关键词:Urban agglomeration;Photogrammetry;Remote sensing;Land use pattern;Water resources