摘要:Stroke is a common disease that seriously endangers human health and life. According to the number of eight traditional risk factors of stroke to determine the stroke high-risk group, there are still some limitations. The study aims to explore the risk weights of different stroke risk factors. The research data used in this study was collected by the stroke prevention and control project. The study population included adults aged ≥40 years residing in 16 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions throughout China. 985, 325 subjects were included in the study, 15,835 stroke patients (1.65%) and 941,490 without stroke (98.35%). The Cumulative score model was applied to explore the stroke risk factors and their risk weights based on Logistic regression. From high to low, the risk of eight traditional factors is hypertension, family history of stroke, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obvious weight, lack of physical activity and smoking. The weight coefficient of hypertension is about 7.7 times that of smoking.