摘要:AbstractThis research was aimed to develop a model of indicators of learner's’ key competencies based on the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E.2551 (2008) and measure the goodness of fit of the model to theoretical concepts and empirical data. The participants were 255 students in grade 9 under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. Research instruments included a test and a questionnaire on students’ communication capability, thinking capability, problem-solving capability, capability in applying life skill, and capability in technological application. The research employed SPSS, TAP, IRT PRO to analyze basic data and the quality of questionnaire. LISREL was used for confirmatory factor analysis. Research results are summarized as in the followings.The construct validity or the goodness of fit of the model to the empirical data was measured, and the result indicated the model fit (χ2= 96.22, df =114, p=0.88) with RMSEA = 0.000, RMR = 0.66, GFI = 0.96, and AGFI = 0.93. Result of confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the factor loadings of 20 indicators displayed positive values, ranged between 0.52 – 1.09, with .05 level of significance for each indicator, suggesting that all of them are significant indicators of learner's key competencies.