摘要:AbstractThe present study is based on the importance of social approving reasons in the development of academic motivation. This research intends to investigate the effect that they have reasons for social approving on academic motivation of students. For this the study aims to observe the differences that appear in the ability to retain a list of words by students and general motivation that they have in the presence of social approval (provided by the teacher and peers) in the absence of social approval. It is a descriptive case research based on our teaching experience in higher education. Was analyzed the population of students, aged between 18 and 28 years in university in Romania. The results of analysis of available data, students consider as fundamental the need for approval in the development of academic motivation. The need for approval is a positive factor in point of view of social integration, it supports social behavior as one possible predictor of how a person will relate to others, depending on the axis between the existence of maximal and minimal existence of this needs at a certain person.