摘要:AbstractIn recent times, educators, social workers and researchers are making increasing use of life histories method as significant evidence of life because the autobiography is the most important self-training method. In the context of prison, writing about themselves means to build personal identity of educators. Therefore, the research team analysed adult writing, investigating both the emotionality and the relationships between educator and prisoners. From a methodological point of view, the research focuses on an original autobiographical format and a semi-structured interview, composed by sixteen pre-determined questions. Before the interview, a five frameworks format was delivered in order to make flash backs into the past experiences, with a view to identify events, facts, people etc., within a structured grid used as pattern. Data analyses were based on quantitative and qualitative methods, they were carried out following reviewed and adapted processes laying their rows on grounded theory. Through the various life stories and personal experiences narrated by educators we could discover that the main motivations of this profession lie primarily in the willingness to disseminate the knowledge. Willingness, determination and formative relationship between educators and prisoners are valuable tools to accompany educators in this difficult task. Relationships between educators and prisoners to achieve educational goals, are essentially based on dialogue and autobiographical skills was proved to be very useful. Telling personal stories means taking a moment for themselves, to recharge and give free rein to the emotions and to be shared with others.
关键词:autobiographical writings;sustainability;penitentiary;lifelong and life wide learning.