摘要:AbstractLiterature stressed that, although change is often essential for organizational success, employees usually find it rather difficult to change. Justice has been shown to be predictive of many organizational dynamics related to change and optimism can also be instrumental to help in dealing with different kinds of job stress, like organizational change. Moving ahead from that, the main aim of the present research was to explore the mediating role of optimism between global justice and continuance commitment to change. Data was collected using a questionnaire. The previously validated measures used included the Perceived Overall Justice Scale – POJ, the Life Orientation Test-Revised LOT-R and the Continuance Commitment to Change subscale. The sample includes 122 employees of Italian companies from different sectors. Data analyses showed high correlations among the considered variables (p <.001) and they confirmed the possibility to test the mediation. Results reveal that organizational justice effect decrease when the mediator was introduced. Namely, optimism have a mediation role between overall perceived justice and commitment to change. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.