摘要:AbstractThe study investigated the effects of Metacognitive Group Discourse (MGD) on developing constructivist-oriented Scientific Epistemological Views (SEV). Participants were 14 fourth-year pre-service secondary science teachers from a teacher education institute. It utilized a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups, the treatment group and the control group. Both groups received explicit instructions of the targeted aspects of the nature of science (NOS) and had 14 classroom observations on science lessons. After each explicit instruction of the NOS and classroom observations, only the treatment group underwent a Metacognitive Group Discourse (MGD) while the control group had no any form of group metacognition. SEV scale and open-ended questionnaire were used to assess the changes in the SEV orientations of the participants prior to, after, and two months after the conduct of the study. Results revealed that though there was no significant difference in the SEV of the two groups, both groups’ SEVs still improved. Probing their understanding on the NOS however showed that the treatment group exhibited more constructivist-oriented SEV. Findings of the study imply that the MGD is effective in developing constructivist-oriented scientific epistemological views of preservice teachers and enable its retention and further development. Implications for future research and science teacher education are discussed.
关键词:nature of science;scientific epistemological views;metacognition;pre-service