摘要:This study explored value priorities, prejudice toward the Africans, and the relationships between these dimensions in 233 Italian adolescents. Measures:Portrait Values Questionnaire(Capanna et al., 2005), to assess value priorities, andSubtle and Blatant Prejudice Scale(Manganelli Rattazzi & Volpato, 2001) to distinguish subjects in:Equalitarians,Bigots, andSubtles.Results1) adolescents scored higher in self-transcendence and openness to change than conservation and self-enhancement; 2) the 51,5% of adolescents were classified asEqualitarians, the 41,6% asSubtles, and the 6,9% asBigots; 3)Equalitariansscored higher than the others in self-transcendence, whileBigotsandSubtlesscored higher in self-enhancement thanEqualitarians; 4) self-transcendence negatively affected prejudice, conservation and self-enhancement were predictors of prejudice. Differences for sex and age emerged.
关键词:Values;ethnic subtle and blatant prejudice;adolescents ;