摘要:AbstractThe wide use of ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) in higher education has been a great technological innovation. Currently, the ePortfolio is essentially used as a tool of learning and assessment, but less as a tool of orientation. The aim of our work is to provide IT tools to monitor, support and orientation for students in the academic and professional world. “The use of the portfolio as part of the orientation approach must engage the learner to develop a reflection on him, his education and career aspirations. The tool should be designed to promote reflection on the orientation process implemented for each learner.”(Duroisin, 2011). In this paper we propose a computerized system which allows not only the assessment of skills, but also acts as a monitoring and orientation ePortfolio of learners. Based on the Mahara technology “ISIFePortfolio” (Bentaib, et AitDaouad, 2014) is an application implemented by the research team of the computer laboratory at University Hassan II Mohammedia - Casablanca.