摘要:AbstractThe purpose of the study is to investigate elementary preservice teachers’ epistemological beliefs in terms of Hofer (2001) and Hammer & Elby (2002) views. Hofer defines epistemological beliefs as beliefs about knowledge and knowing, while Hammer & Elby (2002) proposes that epistemological beliefs include nature of knowing and learning. In this study, quantitative and qualitative research methods were conducted. The sample of this study consisted of 152 elementary preservice teachers. Preservice teachers’ epistemological beliefs were determined by using “Epistemic Belief Inventory” (EBAPS) developed by Hammer & Elby (2002) and “context specific epistemological beliefs questionnaire” (CSEPQ) was developed by Hofer (2001). According to the result of the study, some dimensions of CSEPQ are related to the EBAPS.
关键词:Pre-service teachers;Epistemological beliefs;Hofer's view;Hammer and Elby view;Elementary