摘要:AbstractBackgroundSexting represents electronic distribution of text messages; own photographs or videos with sexual content that takes place within the framework of virtual electronic media - Internet in particular. Mobile phones are very often used for sexting. The paper is focused on the results of the research of risky behaviour among Slovak children on the Internet, which was realized on the turn of 2013 and 2014 by the research team under Centre for Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication of Faculty of Education at Palacký University in Olomouc. Within the scope of our text we focused on one of the key parts of the research - sexting and its forms, motivation of the respondents to do the sexting and risks connected to it.MethodsNumber of 1466 (n=1466) respondents aged 11-17 took part within the research that was realized in the Slovak Republic. 71.10% of the sample consisted of the children aged 11-14, 28.9% of the children consisted 15-17. The research sample consisted of boys in 44.96% of cases and in 55.04% of girls. Children answered questions aimed at the demography, sexting in form of the sharing and distribution of the intimate materials and other related themes.
关键词:sexting;children sexual behaviour;sexting prevalence;risky behaviour