摘要:AbstractWe emphases the subtle particularities that should be highlighted in psychiatry teaching process because, what may be characterized in the old terminology as a neurotic Vera structure, now is moving to the extreme psychotic of the psychiatric diagnoses axis, once that an adjacent anxiety touches a certain intensity or the social functioning is significantly, fact that obviously sometimes starts to be seen before the psychotic symptoms. There is a clinical equivalence between concepts: neurosis in the Freudian sense, focusing on the conflict between Ego and Super Ego, avoidant personality with reference to anxiety and to the addiction concept and the inhibition term in triple meaning inhibition of thinking, fantasy and relationship.The examination terminologies approach to the concepts of neurosis, psychosis and borderline personality from multiple perspectives clinical descriptions captured in psychiatric examinations, psychological analysis reports, psychodynamic concepts explanatory study and/or favorite defense mechanisms, analysis regimens, on a group of 100 psychiatric patients hospitalized in 2013 in the Sapunari psychiatric hospital. This work explains the concept of sensitivity related to the internal functionality in predominantly neurotic Freudian version versus what is now generically called psychotic in the broadest way. It refers to the place of control, the risk restructuring