摘要:AbstractThe paper deals with the problematic of general enterprises’ lifecycle based on size (number of employees) as a parameter of growth and success. Author works with Miller and Friesen lifecycle model (Miller and Friesen, 1984) and expects occurrence of similar pattern in large scale sample composed from 677 randomly chosen companies of different type. This so cold “fractal analogy” will help to describe model lifecycle of general successful company in the terms of most significant time dependent phenomena observed on researched sample of Czech and Slovak enterprises. Except of mentioned model lifecycle characterization, which can be considered as main objective of the paper, there were three supplementary hypotheses tested. Questionnaire research as background of presented data was performed on Silesian University, School of Business Administration in Karvina, Czech Republic with the help of attendant bachelor's degree students. Presented paper includes brief literature review as well as most important research findings accompanied with commented charts, tables and discussion.
关键词:Enterprise lifecycle;number of employees;timeline;questionnaire research;Czech and Slovak enterprises;fractal analogy